15 December 2005


I just finished reading Angels and Demons. It’s a very interesting book. The idea that everything has an opposite got me thinking. Antimatter is the opposite to matter, protons are opposite to antiprotons. What is the opposite of photons? Darkness is as absence of photons. But what is the opposite of photons? Is there some sort of anti-light particle? If photons meet anti-photons, would it result in a ginormous explosion? Or would they just cancel each other out?

I will have to do some research on this…

26 November 2005


This post will make a lot more sense if you have seen the movie "what the bleep".

If everyone creates there own reality, then why do so many people create similar realities? I went for a walk the other day with my friend. We talked a lot about quantum mechanics. According to this theory, I was creating the place I was walking, and the conversion between me and my friend. And I was even creating my friend. So if I create my own reality, nothing really exists, except when I create it. Although at the same time I was thinking this so was my friend. In her mind, she was creating the walk, the conversion, and me. Was I creating a reality is which she was thinking that? Or wore we both simultaneously creating the realities that were the same?

There are about 18 000 000 people living in New York. All of them creating the own reality. All of then creating a reality in which New York has the same buildings, streets, parks, and people, as everyone else that lives there. So how is it that about 18 000 000 people are creating the same reality at the same time? Is everyone getting ideas of what reality is from some where else? According to this theory external ideas are impossible. Everyone creates there own reality.

If I create my own reality, nothing is really “there” until I see it. And when I look away it’s gone. This idea that in order for something to exist, it needs to have an observer (someone to create that reality) is impossible to prove. In order to see if reality actually exists, you need to see if its still there with out an observer. So you take away the observer to test if reality still exists with out an observer. But then you have now way to tell if still reality exists. So you take a look to see if reality still exists, after removing the observer. But as soon as you take a look, you’re observing, and there for creating the reality that you wore trying to do the tests on.
If it’s imposable to prove weather or not people create there own reality, than it is just a hypothesis to be thrown on the scrap heap. With all the other hypothesis that can’t be proven. So I’ve really come to no conclusion here, except that this theory is nice to think about. But a load of bullshit. Just like most religions...

29 October 2005

Lateralus booklet

Lateralus has some of the most amazing and original album cover art I’ve seen. You can flip through the booklet, and dig through all the layers of the human body. From the muscles right through to the bones and organs. (Those with a keen eye may have also found a particular deity hidden within the layers.) So you can flip through all the layers, but there is no skin. Why is there no skin? Why include all these layers, and not have a skin layer? Or is there a skin layer? The black slip case that the cd comes wrapped in. What’s that for?

The black slip case is the skin. You can’t dig through all the inner layers until you remove the skin. Some people listen to music only on a skin deep level. They look for nothing more than entertainment in music. Others go a little deeper. They try and find the structure of the music, find what is made of and how it works. They try and find the bones and muscles of the music. You have to dig past the skin layer of music the get to the muscles and bones. Just the same way you have to remove the slip case of Lateralus to get to the booklet.

Why is the slip case black, and the booklet so colourful? Tool have a rather dark exterior. People who know almost nothing of the band, or have never gotten past the skin layer, would call tool angry, dark, negative music. People who have only listened to Laterlus on a skin deep level often think of it as a very dark album. The slip case is black because the album appears dark on the outside, but once you remove the skin layer you can see all the brightly colored layers underneath. You can see that Laterlus is one of the most positive albums out there. And has some of the most complex bones and muscles around…

09 October 2005

Lucid dreaming

Last night I had a lucid dream. It was my second lucid dream so far. Some time in the middle of the night I woke up (really woke up) because I wad cold. I closed my window and went back to bed. Soon I felt my self drifting off again. This is where it gets weird. I could feel myself falling asleep, straight in to REM sleep (dream sleep). So I said over and over in my head “be conscious of the fact that you are dreaming”. While I was thinking this I felt my self fall further into this dream. It felt like I was up side down, spinning around really fast. Like I was trying to drill my head through my pillow. I was worried I was going to lose my lucidity in this whirlwind, so I keep repeating “be conscious of the fact that you are dreaming”.

Not to much longer and I was standing in a restaurant still thinking “be conscious of the fact that you are dreaming”. The next thing I thought was “holly shit. I’ve done it again. I’m lucid dreaming” The first thing I did was walk up to my friend Chris and tell him that I was aware of the fact that I was dreaming and that I could do what ever the fuck I wanted, and it wouldn’t matter. He said “wow that’s pretty cool” and sat down at a table. I was feeling pretty excited because the first time I had a lucid dream, I hadn’t had this much control. I wanted to do more with my lucidity, so I decided to change the seen. I started thinking about how I would like to disappear from the restaurant and appear somewhere else.

Next thing I new I was standing on a fire trail in some old growth forest that reminded me of tree hugging hippies. My lucidity was fading fast. I walked along the fire trail staring at the trees for a wile. Then I was standing in my bed room explaining to my mum that I was going to bed. I had lost all lucidity by this point. I walked over to my computer to turn it of before I went to bed. There was an instant messenger conversion window open. The background for the window was a pine forest covered on snow. The photo had a very blue tinge to it. There wore two medieval looking figures in the photo. Suddenly the all the text boxes disappeared and all that was left was the background, and I was in side it, standing on the snow. The figure on the right started stabbing a wolf in the head with a knife. The wolf was crying out in pain. The figure on the left started yelling something to the figure with the knife, who dropped the wolf and turned to stab the figure on the left instead. Then I woke up…

03 October 2005


I was just driving home listing to the radio because I don’t have a CD player in the car. The radio station was playing some live recording of something that I wasn’t very interested in. A song finished and the vocalist started talking. He said:

“If I wanted to establish some kind of rock and roll credibility, I would say this next song is about hookers and drugs, but the honest to god truth is that I’m a nerd and this next song is about quantum physics”

Holly crap. That is fucking cool. The dude doing the performance was called “Moby”. I have no idea who he is and I can’t say his music is to my taste. But the fact that he writs songs about quantum physics, is just fucking cool…

Children Of Bodom

Just got back from Children Of Bodom in Sydney on Saturday….It…fucking…ruled… I was back stage for sound check. A roadie opened the back door to get something out of the truck. So I walked in and watched sound check. They all talk finish to each other its really cool but I have no idea what they wore saying. At the end of sound check, the roadie says “sorry mate, you have to go back out side now.” He was so cool about it. And the actual gig…wow… I was front center (absolute front center) and there was no barrier. So my ribs are fucked up from being crushed against the edge of the stage. It’s really weird not having a barrier. You’re so close to the band that it’s like going to watch a band play above you, not in front of you. These gyes really know how to play there instruments. There so technical. Watching Alexi’s fingers dance across his guitar fret centimeters from my face is some thing I will always remember. And the keyboard player… holly shit. I didn’t think it was possible to play that fast with one hand. I stuck my tong out at him and he laughed. They really are a band that is all about playing live. The new album is a bit different but it’s really good. I have had it on repeat since I got home. Im still on a high from the gig, everything is great at the moment......

29 September 2005

Last night I dreamt in html

I really enjoy my dreams. I have been to some pretty weird places in them. Usually my dreams relate to what I have been doing and thinking about for the last two or three weeks.

About a week ago, I spent two days learning and writing html. Last night I dreamt in html. Page after page of tags. I wasn’t typing the html. I was the html. Every so often there would be a link to some dream “real world” situation. I would sort of go through the link and arrive at this real world place as my self, a person. These link destinations wore like normal dreams. I went out to multiple links and then back into html. It’s a weird feeling being html.

This has got me wondering. Could I dream in css, or jarver script, or binary or hex numbers? Could I dream in chemical equations, or radio waves, or gamma waves? Try and imagine what it would be like to be a gamma wave. Actually, I would like to have a dream where I was one singular photon. That would be interesting…

28 September 2005

People are like web browsers

Memes are like html code, and people are like web browsers. Everyone thinks they have complex individual thought. When really they have a bunch of memes being expressed and conveyed in a certain way. Just like everyone else. The difference here is that with a web page, you can simply just click view source, and there is the html code. You can tell exactly what the page is made of. You can read the html and know what it would look like in a web browser. If someone has role over's on there images, just go view source, and… “Oh, that’s how they did it”.

Unfortunately, you can’t just walk up to a person and click view source. People don’t like to display there html code to anyone. There happy to show you a browser interrupted version. But never the source code. Having only just learned html in the last week, I’ve now realized that that web pages are a simple bunch of codes. And it’s the browser softwhere that’s makes them look cool. But I’ve known that the way people are, there personality, there ideas, est… is just a collection of memes they got from else where, for a little longer. Before that, I guess I didn’t realize that people had source codes either.

Most people aren’t aware of html source codes, or people source codes. Most people couldn’t find there own source code if they tried. That’s because people need a separate source code, to find there own, and to understand the hole people source code language. You need a deconstruction meme to find out that all your thoughts are just memes that you have collected through out your life. And to rip open every one of these memes, and find out what’s in side. This is a difficult process. A meme doesn’t want to display its source code to its host. This could threaten its existents.

I’m trying to find my source code. I’m trying to deconstruct every meme I have. I’m trying to deconstruct every new meme I pick up. With the hope if eventually deconstructing my “self” meme, and fining out whats left in at the end..


This is my favorite song. It has a totally different concept of “the golden mean”, to the one most people have. To explain this, first you need to find the Fibonacci sequence in this song. The way Maynard (the vocalist) sings some versus of this song fits in so well with the Fibonacci sequence, that it could not just be a coincidence. When listening to the song, if you count the Syllables in each line as he sings them, you get a paten like this…

1 Black
1 Then
2 white are,
3 all I see
5 in my infancy.
8 Red and yellow then came to be,
5 reaching out to me.
3 Lets me see.
2 there is
1 so
1 much
2 more and
3 beckons me
5 to look thru to these
8 infinite possibilities.
13 As below, so above and beyond, I imagine
8 drawn outside the lines of reason.
5 Push the envelope.
3 Watch it bend.

The Fibonacci sequence starts with 1 and 1. You than add the second number to the first and you get 2. You then add 2 and 1 and get 3. You then add 3 and 2 and get 5. You than add5 and 3 and you get 8. ect ect… the numbers keep getting bigger and bigger. There is no limit to how far this sequence can go. If you follow the sequence far enough, you will get the number 987. This is Important. The time signature for this song is 9/8 8/8 7/8, repeating. If you graph the Fibonacci sequence, you get a spiral starting at 1, and spiraling outwards from the center, it has no end point so it just keeps going. This spiral is often found in nature.

The Golden mean spiral, on the other hand is defined by the number phi. Which is 1. 61803399. At first glance the two spirals look almost the same. On closer inspection, you will notice that the golden mean spiral spins at a slightly different ratio to the Fibonacci spiral. Also, where the Fibonacci spiral has a defined starting point, the golden mean spiral does not. It spirals in getting smaller and smaller, and out getting bigger and bigger, forever.

So how do all These spiral relate to the song? Well if you wore to draw the Fibonacci spiral, and the golden mean spiral on the same graph you would see that at first The to spirals are quite different, but as they grow the Fibonacci spiral will spin closer and closer to the path of the golden mean spiral. Its almost like the Fibonacci spiral is trying to imitate the golden mean spiral. Eventually they become so close that they join and become the same spiral. If you say that the golden mean spiral is a metaphor for your higher self, your subconscious, your ultimate state of mind, a paragon of existence, a higher thing / being, or ( insert your own idea here).

And say that the Fibonacci spiral is a metaphor for your conscious self, your conscious mind, your physical body, man kind. Or (insert you own idea here).Now if you take those metaphors and apply them to the explanation above you get: “(insert golden mean metaphor meaning here) is the all perfect eternal paragon of life, that has no beginning and no end, and keeps spiraling out and bettering its self, and (insert Fibonacci metaphor meaning here) is you, who has a starting point (birth) spiraling out trying to imitate the golden mean, and becoming more and more like it, until you become part of it and keep spiraling out”

With this concept in mind read the lyrics.

27 September 2005

Nothing matters

Life is a dream for most and a lucid dream for some. No mater how weird stuff is in your sleep dreams, you just accept it. It seems completely normal that you can breathe under water, and that all the fish are off to protest against the rise in petrol prices. If you can lucid dream, you realize nothing matters in this dream world. But in your wakening state, suddenly you think everything matters. You need money, a house, a car, certificates from educational institutions, you have to be successful. It matters that you get to work on time, that your clothes look expensive, that you have a raging social life. You think it matters that you win the argument, or at least make sure the other person understands your opinion. It’s just your opinion, why won’t they just listen to you for a moment. Wore you listing to there opinion? We get too caught up with spreading the idea’s that we have, and refuse to take in information that contradicts these ideas that we have.

Today I became lucid in this waking state dream, again. I realized that there is no point in arguing. The degree I am doing at school doesn’t matter. The fact that I’m really anti social have no friends and “need to get out more” doesn’t matter. All the concerts I go to and sit in the queue for 13 hours because its important to get front center, don’t matter. That I realized that nothing matters and am typing it now, doesn’t mater. Your girlfriend / boyfriend doesn’t matter. That not a single person in the world has a fucking clue who they are, wore, or ever will be, doesn’t matter. Nothing matters. NOTHING.

I realize that all the stuff in this lucid, waking dream, doesn’t matter. This gives me incredible clarity of mind. It’s like being 10 days hike from civilization where there is no pollution and you can see all the stars. It’s like… becoming lucid…