03 October 2005

Children Of Bodom

Just got back from Children Of Bodom in Sydney on Saturday….It…fucking…ruled… I was back stage for sound check. A roadie opened the back door to get something out of the truck. So I walked in and watched sound check. They all talk finish to each other its really cool but I have no idea what they wore saying. At the end of sound check, the roadie says “sorry mate, you have to go back out side now.” He was so cool about it. And the actual gig…wow… I was front center (absolute front center) and there was no barrier. So my ribs are fucked up from being crushed against the edge of the stage. It’s really weird not having a barrier. You’re so close to the band that it’s like going to watch a band play above you, not in front of you. These gyes really know how to play there instruments. There so technical. Watching Alexi’s fingers dance across his guitar fret centimeters from my face is some thing I will always remember. And the keyboard player… holly shit. I didn’t think it was possible to play that fast with one hand. I stuck my tong out at him and he laughed. They really are a band that is all about playing live. The new album is a bit different but it’s really good. I have had it on repeat since I got home. Im still on a high from the gig, everything is great at the moment......

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