01 September 2006

Blood splated room

I had this dream the other night. I woke up in a bed in a small office. The bed was against a wall. The opposite wall was all glass with a door way that went out to a corridor which had reception desks all along it. The glass wall had some dull grey office blinds covering it. The wall at the foot of the bed was blank except for a large full length mirror. The wall opposite the mirror had another reception desk against it.

As soon as I woke up I was certain that this random guy was going to kill half the people in the world if he got some safety pins out of a box of staples and cotton wool that I had. I jumped out of the bed and ran out of the office to one of the reception decks in the corridor. I knew I had to tell someone who worked in the building so that they could stop the bad guy from getting in and taking the safety pins. I quickly explained the situation to a lady behind the desk. She then turned to one of the other staff members with a look of “not another one” on her face. This got me a little frustrated. The world was about to end and she couldn’t care less about stopping it.

I ran back into the office with the bed in it. And tried to explain the situation to the guy behind the reception desk. I had the staples box with me and I put it up on the desk and showed him how there were safety pins hidden under the staples and cotton wool. I was trying to convince him of how import this was. He just sat there and gave me this blank stare.

I realized that I wasn’t getting through to any of the people who worked in the building. So I just turned around to face the big mirror on the opposite wall. Stuck my hand through my stomach, ripped out a hand full of intestines, and hurled them at the mirror. They hit the mirror in the middle and some blood splated around the room. Then they slowly slid down the mirror leaving a bloody smear until they landed on the floor. Hand full after hand full, I would reach into my stomach and pull out an internal organ and hurl it at the mirror. After doing that for awhile, I just woke up.

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